This is the webpage for Elliot Cartee's sections of MATH 2930: Differential Equations for Engineers at Cornell University in Spring 2019.
Every week, I will post typeset notes for anything I discuss in section, as well as copies of the worksheets used in section (with solutions included at the end of the document). I may also include outside material that I think is interesting and relevant to what we are doing in the course.
While you are not required to view anything on this webpage, I still think you may find it useful.
Some useful links:
My office hours are on Tuesdays from 12-2pm in Malott 218.
I will also have office hours on Sunday, February 17th from 2-4pm in Malott 218.
From last time I taught the course:
Prelim 1 Review Worksheet + Solutions (ignore Q1, it would not be fair game this semester)
From last time I taught the course: